
AK-47 (singkatan dari Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947, Rusia: Автомат Калашникова образца 1947 года) adalah senapan serbu yang dirancang oleh Mikhail Kalashnikov, diproduksi oleh pembuat senjata Rusia IZhMASh, dan digunakan oleh banyak negara Blok Timur semasa Perang Dingin. Senapan ini diadopsi dan dijadikan senapan standar Uni Soviet pada tahun 1947.[2] Jika dibandingkan dengan senapan yang digunakan semasa Perang Dunia II, AK-47 mempunyai ukuran lebih kecil, dengan jangkauan yang lebih pendek, memakai peluru dengan kaliber 7,62 x 39 mm yang lebih kecil, dan memiliki pilihan tembakan (selective-fire). AK-47 termasuk salah satu senapan serbu pertama dan hingga kini merupakan senapan serbu yang paling banyak diproduksi.
Tipe Senapan serbu
Negara asal Uni Soviet
Sejarah pemakaian
Masa penggunaan 1949
Digunakan oleh Uni Soviet, banyak lainnya
Sejarah produksi
Perancang Mikhail Kalashnikov
Tahun 1947
Jumlah produksi Di atas 100 juta[1]
Varian Lihat Varian
Berat 4,3 kg
Panjang 870 mm (34¼ inci)
Panjang Laras 415 mm (16,3 inci)

Magazen 7,62 x 39 mm
Mekanisme Operasi gas, bolt berputar
Rata² tembakan 600 butir/menit
Kecepatan peluru 710 m/s
Jarak efektif 300 m
Amunisi Magazen box 30 butir,
Magazen box RPK 40 butir,
Magazen drum RPK 75 butir
Alat bidik Bidikan besi


Latar belakang desain

Pada Perang Dunia II, Jerman menciptakan konsep senapan serbu. Konsep ini didasari pengalaman bahwa pertempuran modern lebih banyak terjadi pada jarak yang cukup dekat, yaitu sekitar 100 meter. Tenaga dan jangkauan peluru pada saat itu ternyata terlalu besar. Maka, Jerman mulai mengembangkan peluru dan senapan yang mempunyai sifat submachine gun (isi magazen banyak dan bisa menembak full-otomatis) dengan peluru yang jangkauannya bisa sampai 300 meter. Dengan mempertimbangkan biaya produksi, ini dicapai dengan memendekkan peluru 7,92 x 57 mm Mauser menjadi ukuran 33 mm yaitu 7,92 x 33 mm Kurz (Kurz berarti pendek).
Hasil akhirnya, Sturmgewehr 44 (StG44), memang bukan senapan pertama yang menggunakan konsep ini; sebelumnya Italia dan Uni Soviet pernah merancang konsep yang serupa. Tetapi, Jerman adalah yang pertama untuk memproduksi masal senapan mereka. Jerman banyak menggunakan senapan baru mereka untuk menghadapi Soviet di Front Timur. Pengalaman Uni Soviet melawan Jerman inilah yang mempengaruhi doktrin Soviet pada tahun-tahun berikutnya.
Berdasarkan doktrin Soviet, Mikhail Kalashnikov mulai memikirkan desain senapannya sejak di rumah sakit, setelah terluka pada pertempuran di Bryansk. Ia mendapat informasi bahwa sebuah senjata baru sedang dicari, untuk dipakai dengan peluru 7,62 x 41 mm yang dibuat oleh Elisarov dan Semin pada 1943. Tapi kali itu, desain Kalashnikov kalah melawan desain Sudayev, yaitu PPS43. Kalashnikov mengubah desain pertamanya setelah ia mempelajari StG44 Jerman pada tahun 1946. Karena rancangannya cukup mengesankan, Kalashnikov lalu dipilih untuk memimpin sebuah tim desain.

[sunting] Konsep desain

Meskipun mirip, Mikhail Kalashnikov menyangkal bahwa desainnya dibuat berdasarkan StG44 Jerman. AK-47 lebih tepat dikatakan sebagai campuran dari inovasi-inovasi pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Misalnya, mekanik AK-47 lebih mirip M1 Garand daripada senapan-senapan Jerman. Locking lugs ganda, unlocking raceway, dan mekanisme pelatuk telihat mirip desain Amerika tersebut.[4] Ini adalah hal yang wajar, mengingat bahwa jutaan M1 Garand telah sukses dipakai di segala penjuru dunia. Walau secara mekanis mirip dengan M1 Garand, konsep peluru, tata letak komponen, sistem gas, dan metode perakitan AK-47 jelas mirip dengan StG44.[5]
Jeniusnya AK-47 adalah, bahwa desainnya paling tepat untuk produksi masal. Jadi AK-47 berhasil menggabungkan keunggulan M1 Garand dengan StG44, dan bisa diproduksi dengan cepat oleh Uni Soviet pada saat itu.

[sunting] Perkembangan receiver

AK-47 Tipe 3A (atas), dengan pendahulunya, senapan SKS.
AKMS dengan receiver Tipe 4B (atas), dan AK-47 dengan Tipe 2A.
Pada awalnya produksi receiver (bagian badan senapan yang berisi mekanisme penembakan) menemui banyak masalah. Model produksi pertama menggunakan receiver yang terbuat dari stamping (cetak besi) lembaran logam. Masalah yang ditemui adalah sulitnya mengelas railing pemandu dan ejektor, yang akhirnya menyebabkan banyaknya penolakan.[6] Tapi masalah ini tidak menghentikan produksi, sebagai penyelesaiannya, receiver stamping logam digantikan dengan receiver machined (dibentuk dengan alat/mesin khusus).[7] Proses ini memang lebih mahal, tapi untungnya alat-alat dan pekerja yang dibutuhkan sudah tersedia, sebelumnya dipakai untuk produksi Mosin-Nagant. Karena masalah-masalah tadi, Uni Soviet baru bisa mendistribusikan senapan-senapan ini secara luas pada tahun 1956. Pada saat yang bersamaan, produksi senapan pendahulu AK-47, SKS, tetap berlanjut.[7]
Setelah masalah produksi berhasil diselesaikan, pada tahun 1959 sebuah rancangan baru dirumuskan dan diberi nama AKM (M untuk modernisasi—dalam bahasa Rusia: Автомат Калашникова Модернизированный).[8] Model baru ini menggunakan receiver stamping logam dan dilengkapi sebuah muzzle break di ujung laras, untuk mengurangi tendangan. Selain itu ditambahkan juga penahan hammer (palu pemukul peluru) agar senapan bisa menembak dengan baik pada pilihan tembakan full-otomatis.[9] Model baru ini lebih ringan dari model awal, sekitar dua-pertiga berat awal.[8] Mayoritas produksi senapan Kalashnikov di luar Rusia, dengan lisensi maupun tanpa lisensi, menggunakan model AKM ini, karena mudahnya pembuatan receiver stamping. Model inilah yang paling banyak ditemui dan diproduksi di seluruh dunia. Tetapi, hampir semua senapan buatan Kalashnikov biasa disebut AK-47, ini adalah keliru, sebab AK-47 hanya adalah senapan-senapan yang menggunakan tiga model receiver paling awal.[10] Gambar di samping memperlihatkan perbedaan antara receiver machined AK-47 Tipe 2, dengan receiver stamping AKM Tipe 4, misalnya digunakannya sekrup dan bukan pengelasan, serta perbedaan lesung kecil di atas magazen.
Tipe receiver Penjelasan
Tipe 1A/B Receiver stamping AK-47 pertama. -1B dimodifikasi untuk popor lipat. Yaitu sebuah lubang tersedia pada kedua sisi, untuk dipasang popor lipat ke bawah. (penamaan B ini tetap sama untuk selanjutnya)
Tipe 2A/B Menggunakan besi machined.
Tipe 3A/B Versi "final" receiver machined, terbuat dari baja. Receiver AK-47 yang paling banyak ditemui.
Tipe 4A/B Receiver stamping AKM. Desain yang paling banyak dipakai pada pembuatan senapan AK.

[sunting] Fitur

Prajurit Romania dengan AIMS, AKMS buatan Romania.
AK-47 adalah senapan yang sederhana, tidak mahal untuk diproduksi, dan mudah dibersihkan dan dirawat. Ketahanan dan kehandalannya terkenal legendaris.[11][12][13][14] Piston gasnya yang besar, keleluasaan jarak pada bagian-bagian mekaniknya, dan desain pelurunya, membuat AK-47 bisa tetap menembak dengan lancar walaupun komponen dalamnya terisi kotoran atau benda asing. Tapi kehandalan ini sedikit mengorbankan akurasi, karena toleransi yang besar pada bagian mekaniknya tidak menjamin ketepatan dan kekonsistenan yang terdapat pada senapan-senapan yang lebih akurat.
Bidikan belakang AK-47 bisa diatur, dengan setingan jarak yang selisihnya masing-masing 100 meter. Bidikan depan juga bisa diatur setingan elevasinya di lapangan. Dan setingan horizontal diatur di gudang senjata sebelum diberikan ke pemakai. Setingan bidikan standar diatur untuk menempatkan peluru beberapa sentimeter di atas atau di bawah titik yang dibidik, pada jarak 250 meter. Setingan "point-blank" seperti ini dipakai agar penembak tidak perlu merubah setingan alat bidik pada jarak dekat. Setingan seperti ini sama dengan yang digunakan untuk Mosin-Nagant dan SKS, agar memudahkan masa peralihan dan pelatihan.
Lorong laras dan kamar peluru, serta piston gas dan interior silinder gas AK-47 biasa dilapisi dengan krom. Ini sangat membantu memperpanjang umur alat-alat tersebut, karena mencegah korosi dan karat. Dan ini sangat penting, mengingat amunisi pada abad ke-20 sering berisi unsur merkuri yang korosif, yang mengharuskan pembersihan secara rutin untuk mencegah kerusakan. Pelapisan krom pada bagian-bagian penting senapan sekarang sudah lazim pada senjata-senjata modern.[15]

[sunting] Pengaruh terhadap kebudayaan

Pada masa Perang Dingin, Uni Soviet, Tiongkok, dan Amerika Serikat memberikan peralatan dan teknologi kepada negara-negara sekutu mereka, beserta pasukan-pasukan pemberontak yang mereka dukung. Pada masa itu terjadi penyebaran besar-besaran AK-47 oleh Uni Soviet dan Tiongkok kepada negara-negara dan grup-grup pro-komunis, misalnya Sandinista Nikaragua dan Viet Cong. Desain AK-47 disebarkan ke 55 angkatan bersenjata dunia.[1]
Penyebaran AK-47 ini tidak hanya terlihat dari jumlahnya saja, AK-47 ada di dalam bendera dan lambang Mozambik. Selain itu juga terdapat pada lambang Burkina Faso, dan bendera Hizbullah. "Kalash", kependekan dari "Kalashnikov", dipakai sebagai nama anak laki-laki di beberapa negara di Afrika.
Di Amerika, pembuat film sering mempersenjatai penjahat dan teroris dengan AK-47. Banyak pula permainan komputer, permainan video, dan lagu-lagu rap yang menampilkan AK-47. Pembuat mainan dan industri airsoft juga memproduksi jutaan replika AK-47.

[sunting] Varian

Seorang prajurit Romania membantu seorang prajurit AS menembakan RPK, versi senapan mesin ringan dari AK-47.
Varian-varian Kalashnikov adalah:
  • AK-47 1948–51, 7,62 × 39 mm — Model paling awal, yang menggunkan receiver stamping Tipe 1, dan sudah sangat langka.
  • AK-47 1952, 7,62 x 39 mm — Menggunakan receiver machined dengan popor dan pegangan kayu. Laras dan kamar peluru dilapisi krom untuk mencegah korosi. Berat senapan 4,2 kg.
  • AKS-47 — Menggunakan popor lipat ke bawah yang mirip popor MP40 Jerman.
  • RPK, 7,62 x 39 mm — Versi senapan mesin, dengan laras yang lebih panjang dan bipod (penyangga kaki 2).
  • AKM, 7,62 x 39 mm — Lebih sederhana dan lebih ringan dari AK-47; menggunakan receiver Tipe 4 yang terbuat dari logam stamping. Berat menurun jadi 3,61 kg, karena receiver yang lebih ringan.
  • AKMS, 7,62 x 39 mm — Versi AKM yang menggunakan popor lipat ke bawah atau ke samping.
  • AKMSU, 7,62 x 39 mm — Versi pendek dari AKM yang menggunakan popor lipat ke bawah. Panjang laras 35 cm.
  • Seri AK-74, 5,45 x 39 mm — Lihat artikel utama.
  • Seri AK-101, 5,56 x 45 mm — Lihat artikel utama.
  • Seri AK-103, 7,62 × 39 mm — Lihat artikel utama.
  • Seri AK-107/108 — Lihat artikel utama.
Pada tahun 1978, Uni Soviet mulai menggantikan senapan AK-47 dan AKM dengan rancangan yang lebih baru, yaitu AK-74.

[sunting] Produksi di luar Rusia

AKM buatan Romania, AIM. Receiver Tipe 4A.
KbK AK/PMK buatan Polandia. Receiver Tipe 3A.
Kbk AKS/PKMS buatan Polandia. Receiver Tipe 3B.
Kbk AK/PNG60 buatan Polandia. Dengan pelontar granat dan magazen khusus untuk menembakan granat. Receiver Tipe 3A.
Yang terdaftar hanya varian militer saja. Rangkuman dari informasi yang terdapat pada buku Poyer, The AK-47 and AK-74 Kalashnikov Rifles and Their Variations.
Negara Varian
Albania Tidak diketahui.
Bulgaria AKK (Tipe 3 AK-47), AKKS (Tipe 3 dengan popor lipat samping)
AKKMS (AKMS) AKKN-47 (bisa dipasang bidikan malam NPSU)
AK-47M1 (Tipe 3 dengan polimer hitam menggantikan kayu)
AK-47MA1/AR-M1 (sama dengan M1, tapi memakai peluru 5,56 mm NATO)
AKS-47M1 (AKMS memakai 5,56 mm NATO), AKS-47MA1 (sama dengan AKS-47M1, tapi hanya semi-automatis)
AKS-47S (AK-47M1, versi pendek, popor lipat Jerman Timur, alat bidik laser)
AKS-47UF (versi pendek -M1, popor lipat Rusia), AR-SF (sama dengan -47UF, tapi memakai 5,56 mm NATO)
AKS-93SM6 (serupa dengan -47M1, tidak bisa dipasang pelontar granat)
RKKS, AKT-47 (senapan latihan, kaliber .22)
Jerman Timur MPi-K (AK-47), MPi-KS (AKS), MPi-KM (AKM), MPi-KMS72 (AKMS)
Mesir AK-47, MISR 7.62 (AKM), Maadi
Hungaria AKM-63, AMD-65, AMD-65M, AMMSZ, AMP, NGM 5,56
Irak Tabuk (M70B1, and M70AB2)
Senapan runduk Tabuk (M70B1 dengan laras 23,6 inci, alat bidik optik, dan popor khusus)
Myanmar MA1, MA4 (berdasarkan buatan Tiongkok, menggunakan peluru kaliber NATO)
Korea Utara Type 58A (Type 3 AK-47), Type 58B (popor lipat besi), Type 68A (AKM-47), Type 68B (AKMS)
Tiongkok Type 56 Rifle (bukan Karabin), Type 81, Type 87
Polandia Kbk AK/PMK (AK-47), Kbk AKS/PKMS (AKS), Kbk Ak PNG60, Kbk AKM/PMKM (AKM), KbK AKMS/PMKMS, Kbk wz. 88 Tantal (AK-74 dengan popor lipat samping), Kbk wz. 96 Beryl
Romania AI (AK-47), AIS (AKS), AIM, AIMS (AKM, AKMS), AIR
Yugoslavia M70, M70A, M70AB2 M64 (AK-47 dengan laras lebih panjang), M64A (dengan pelontar granat), M64B (M70 dengan popor lipat)



Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack

The Tupolev Tu-160 (RussianТуполев Ту-160NATO reporting nameBlackjack) is a supersonicvariable-sweep wing heavystrategic bomber designed by the Soviet Union. Although several civil and military transport aircraft are larger in overall dimensions, the Tu-160 is currently the world's largest combat aircraft, the largest supersonic aircraft, and the largest variable-sweep aircraft ever built. In addition, the Tu-160 has the greatest total thrust, and the heaviest takeoff weight of any combat aircraft, and the highest top speed of any current heavy bomber.
Entering service in 1987 with the 184 Guards Bomber Regiment, based at Priluki, Soviet Union, the Tu-160 was the last strategic bomber designed for the former Soviet Union. The aircraft remains in limited production, with at least 16 currently in service with the Russian Air Force.
Pilots of the Tu-160 call it the “White Swan”, due to its maneuverability and anti-flash white finish.
RoleSupersonic strategic missile carrier -Strategic bomber
National originSoviet Union
First flight18 December 1981
Introduced1987 Low rate initial production (LRIP) /2005 (official)
StatusIn production
Primary userRussian Air Force
Number built35


The first competition for a supersonic strategic heavy bomber was launched in the Soviet Union in 1967. The new plane was to have a cruise speed of over Mach 3, in response to the American B-70 Valkyrie. It soon became apparent that such an aircraft would be too expensive and difficult to produce, so it was decided to reduce 
demands (in the US, the B-70 bomber project had already been cancelled).
In 1972, the Soviet Union launched a new multi-mission bomber competition to create a new supersonicvariable-geometry ("swing-wing") heavy bomber with a maximum speed of Mach 2.3, in response to the US Air Force B-1 bomber project. The Tupolev design, dubbed Aircraft 160M, with a lengthened flying wing layout and incorporating some elements of the Tu-144, competed against the Myasishchev M-18 and the Sukhoi T-4 designs.[2] Myasishchev's version, proposing a variable-geometry aircraft, was considered to be the most successful, although the Tupolev organization was regarded as having the greatest potential for completing this complex project. Consequently, Tupolev was assigned in 1973 the development of a new aircraft based on the Myasishchev design.
Although the B-1A was cancelled in 1977, work on the new Soviet bomber continued, and in the same year, the design was accepted by the government committee. The prototype was photographed by an airline passenger at a Zhukovsky Airfield in November 1981, about a month before the aircraft's first flight on 18 December 1981. Production was authorized in 1984, beginning at Kazan Aircraft Production Association. Production of the aircraft, designated Tu-160 (factory designation "aircraft K" or "product 70"), was originally intended to total 100 aircraft, although only 35 have been produced, including three prototypes. The second prototype was lost in flight testing in 1987, the crew ejecting successfully.


In 2006, the Russian Air Force was expected to receive five modernised and one new-built Tu-160.[3] The Russian Air Force will receive a further five modernized Tu-160s each year, which means that modernization of the fleet could be achieved within three years if the schedule is kept up.[4]
Changes announced include completely digital, multireserved, neutron and other nuclear emissions resistant avionics; full support of cruising and steering through GLONASS global satellite positioning system; and updated version of NK-32 engines with increased reliability.[4] Weapon upgrades will allow the use of new nuclear/non-nuclear GLONASS-navigated cruise missiles (Kh-55),[5] and drop laser-guided bombs.[6] Planned upgrades are also to add the ability to handle missiles that launch military or civil satellites;[7] and addition of advanced radar emissions absorbing coatings.


The Tu-160 is a variable-geometry wing aircraft, with sweep selectable from 20° to 65°. The aircraft employs a blended wing profile and full-spanslats are used on the leading edges, with double-slotted flaps on the trailing edges. The Tu-160 has a fly-by-wire control system.
It is powered by four Kuznetsov NK-321 afterburning turbofan engines, the most powerful ever fitted to a combat aircraft. Unlike the B-1B Lancer, which failed the Mach 2+ requirement of the original B-1A, it retains variable intakes, and is capable of reaching speeds slightly higher than Mach 2 at altitude.
The Tu-160 is equipped with a probe and drogue in-flight refueling system for extended-range missions, although it is rarely used. The Tu-160's internal fuel capacity of 130 tons gives the aircraft a roughly 15-hour flight endurance at a cruise speed of around 850 km/h (Mach 0.77, 530 mph) at 9,145 m (30,003 ft).[9]
Although the Tu-160 was designed for reduced detectability to both radar and infrared, it is not a stealth aircraft. Nevertheless, on 25 April 2006 Lt. Gen. Igor Khvorov claimed that Tu-160s had managed to penetrate the US sector of the Arctic undetected, leading to a USAFinvestigation.[10]
The Tu-160 has an Obzor-K attack radar in a slightly upturned dielectric radome, and a separate "Sopkaterrain-following radar, which provides fully automatic terrain-following flight at low altitude. The Tu-160 has an electro-optical bombsight. Its electronic warfare suite includes comprehensive active and passive ECM systems.
The Tu-160 has a crew of four (pilot, co-pilot, weapons systems officer and defensive systems operator) in K-36DM ejection seats. The pilot has a fighter-style control stick, but the flight instruments are traditional "steam gauge" dials. A crew rest area, a toilet, and a galley are provided for long flights. There is no HUD, nor are CRT multi-function displays provided in the original aircraft; however, plans for modernization of all Tu-160s were announced in 2003. They include a new digital flight control system, and the ability to carry new weapon types, such as new non-nuclear long-range cruise missiles.
Weapons are carried in two internal bays, each capable of holding 20,000 kg (44,400 lb) of free-fall weapons or a rotary launcher for nuclearmissiles; additional missiles may also be carried externally. The aircraft's payload capacity is 45,000 kg (99,208 lb), making it the heaviest bomber ever built. However, no defensive weapons are provided; the Tu-160 is the first unarmed post-World War II Soviet bomber.
A demilitarized, commercial version of the Tu-160, dubbed Tu-160SK, was displayed at Asian Aerospace in Singapore in 1994 with a model of a small space vehicle named Burlakattached underneath the fuselage. In 1995 Tupolev announced a partnership with the German firm OHB-System to produce the aircraft as a carrier for the launch vehicle; the German government subsequently withdrew funding in 1998.
While similar in appearance to the American B-1 Lancer, the Tu-160 is entirely different class of combat aircraft, its primary role being standoff missile platform (strategic missile carrier). Tu-160 is also significantly larger and faster than the B-1B and has a greater combat range.

Operational history


Squadron deployments to Long Range Aviation began in April 1987 before the Tu-160 was first presented to the public in a parade in 1989. In 1989 and 1990 it set 44 world speed flight records in its weight class. Until 1991, 19 of those aircraft served in the 184th Guards Heavy Bomber Regiment in Pryluky in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, replacing Tu-16 andTu-22M3 aircraft. In January 1992, Boris Yeltsin decided to discontinue production of the Tu-160. By this time, 35 aircraft had been built. In the same year, Russia unilaterally suspended its flights of strategic aviation in remote regions. After the fall of the Soviet Union, 19 of 35 of those aircraft became Ukrainian property, although in 1999 a deal between Russia andUkraine led to eight of those aircraft being returned to Russia in exchange for a reduction in Ukraine's energy debts. Ukraine, which gave up nuclear weapons as part of the collapse of USSR, destroyed the other Blackjacks in its possession, except for one airframe retained for static display.
Russia's second Tu-160 unit, the 121st Guards Heavy Bomber Regiment basing in Engels, was organised in 1992, but by 1994 it had received only six aircraft. Between 1999 and 2000 the eight former Ukrainian planes were assigned to the regiment, and another newly factory-built aircraft was assigned in 2000. By early 2001, in accordance with the START-2 Treaty, Russia has had 15 new-built Tu-160s, of which six were formerly missile-armed strategic bombers. One aircraft was lost during a test flight after engine repairs, on 18 September 2003.
There were 14 Tu-160s in service as of November 2005. Another two new-built aircraft are nearing completion at the Kazan Aircraft Plant, one of which was due to enter service in March 2006, with the other following later in the year. As of 2001, six additional Tu-160 have served as experimental aircraft at Zhukovski, four of them remaining airworthy.
On 30 December 2005, under an order signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Tu-160 officially entered service in the Russian Air Force.
On 17 August 2007 President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia was resuming the strategic aviation flights stopped in 1991, sending its bomber aircraft on long-range patrols.[11] On 14 September 2007, British and Norwegian fighters intercepted two Tu-160s which breached NATO airspace near the UK and Finland.[12] On 25 December 2007, two Blackjacks came close to Danish airspace, and two Danish Air Force F-16s scrambled to intercept and identify them.[13]
According to Russian government sources, on 11 September 2007, a Tu-160 was used to drop the massive fuel-air explosive device, the Father of all bombs, for its first ever field test.[14]However, some military analysts expressed skepticism that the weapon was actually delivered by a Blackjack.[15]
On 28 December 2007, the first flight of a new Tu-160 was reported to have taken place following completion of the aircraft at the Kazan Aviation Plant.[16] After flight testing, the bomber joined the Russian Air Force on 29 April 2008, bringing the total number of aircraft in service to 16. One new Tu-160 is expected to be built every one to two years until the active inventory reaches 30 or more aircraft by 2025-2030.
On 10 September 2008 two Russian Tu-160 landed in Venezuela as part of military maneuvers, announcing an unprecedented deployment to Russia's ally at a time of increasingly tense relations between Russia and the United States. The Russian Ministry of Defence said the two Tu-160 bombers were on a training mission. It said in a statement carried by Russian news agencies that the aircraft will conduct training flights over neutral waters before returning to Russia. Its spokesman added that the aircraft were escorted by NATO fighters as they flew across theAtlantic Ocean.[19]
On 12 October 2008 a number of Tu-160 bombers were involved in the largest Russian strategic bomber exercise since 1984. A total of 12 bombers including Tu-160 Blackjack and Tu-95 Bear conducted a series of launches of their cruise missiles. Some bombers launched a full complement of their missiles. It was the first time that a Tu-160 had ever fired a full complement of missiles.[20]
On 10 June 2010, two Tu-160 bombers carried out a record-breaking 23-hour patrol with a planned flight range of 18,000 kilometers. The bombers flew along the Russian borders and over neutral waters in the Arctic and Pacific Oceans.

Trainer aircraft

No dedicated Tu-160 trainer version has yet appeared. Initally, pilot training was conducted using Tu-22M Backfire bombers, but these were soon replaced with a highly modified variant of the Tupolev Tu-134 airliner. Designated the Tu-134UBL, this unusual aircraft has had the nose and cockpit section of a Tu-160 grafted onto the aircraft's nose, giving students an unobstructed view from the simulated Tu-160 cockpit. In this arrangement the Tu-134UBL is reported to have flying characteristics similar to the Tu-160.


Several variants have been proposed, but not built, including:
  • Tu-160S: designation used for serial Tu-160s when needed to separate them from all the pre-production and experimental aircraft [22]
  • Tu-160Vliquid hydrogen fueled version (see also Tu-155[22]
  • Tu-160 NK-74: upgraded (extended range) version with NK-74 engines [22]
  • Tu-160M: a stretched bomber carrying two long-range, hypersonic Kh-90 (3M25 Meteorit-A) missiles
  • Tu-160P (Tu-161): a very long-range escort fighter/interceptor
  • Tu-160PP: an electronic warfare aircraft carrying stand-off jamming and ECM gear (RussianПП - постановщик помех)
  • Tu-160R: a strategic reconnaissance platform
  • Tu-160SK: commercial version, designed to launch satellites within the "Burlak" (RussianБурлак, "hauler") system.[22]
  • Tu-170: a conventional bomber (conceived in order to avoid SALT-2 limits)



  • Russian Air Force: As of April 2008, 16 were in service, with the 121st Guards Heavy Bomber Regiment at Engels/Saratov.[23]


  • Ukrainian Air Force had 19 Tu-160s (Ukraine handed over eight Tu-160s to Russia as exchange for debt relief in 1999 )
 Soviet Union
184th Guards Heavy Bomber Regiment (TBAP), Priluki, Ukrainian SSR

Specifications (Tu-160)

Orthographic projection of the Tupolev Tu-160.
Data from Jane's All The World's Aircraft 2003–2004[24]
General characteristics
  • Crew: 4 (pilot, co-pilot, bombardier, defensive systems operator)
  • Length: 54.10 m (177 ft 6 in)
  • Wingspan:
    • Spread (20° sweep): 55.70 m (189 ft 9 in)
    • Swept (65° sweep): 35.60 m (116 ft 9¾ in)
  • Height: 13.10 m (43 ft 0 in)
  • Wing area:
    • Spread: 400 m² (4,306 ft²)
    • Swept: 360 m² (3,875 ft²)
  • Empty weight: 110,000 kg (242,505 lb)
  • Loaded weight: 267,600 kg (589,950 lb)
  • Max takeoff weight: 275,000 kg (606,260 lb)
  • Powerplant: 4× Samara NK-321 turbofans
    • Dry thrust: 137.3 kN (30,865 lbf) each
    • Thrust with afterburner: 245 kN (55,115 lbf) each
  • 2 internal bays for 40,000 kg (88,185 lb) of ordnance, options include: